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Ordinary People With A Passion In Financial

Another Tit-Bit...

The Best Of The People Is The One Who The Most Beneficial To The People.


Fitrah Manusia & Lumrah Kehidupan

Naturally, most if not all of us want and crave for something better. It is all part of us if we want a bigger car, a better house, buying good things for the family. We keep hoping for more but, in order to get what you don’t have, you have got to do something you have never done before.

That simply means:

Doing the SAME thing over and over again YET expecting DIFFERENT results!

As an employee, you can’t stay at the same job forever and hope that a miracle will happen and your boss will suddenly give you a raise. You will be lucky that there is no downsizing in your company. Switching to another company will only provide a short term solution to a long term problem.

Sure, you can take up a second or even third job, but do you have enough hours and stamina in a day to sustain it?

The bottom-line: Trading time for money isn’t wise financial sense in the long term. You keep on increasing the hours just to win the rat race, but in the end of the day, you are still a rat on the mill!

Increasing your wages only puts you in a higher buying power. Your salaries increase but so does your expenses on your house and car. How will you invest in yourself when all the time you spend working for a company to please your boss who want to please your big boss, working for the government to please your minister whom hoping to be a senior minister and working for the bank paying off your house and car?

What if you fall sick and can’t work tomorrow? Will your company take care of you? Will the government take care of your family? I highly doubt so.

So isn’t it time you take care of your finances more seriously?

Why Financial Planning

Nowadays financial pressures are a leading cause in all forms of mental and physical sickness from depression and stress to substance abuse and suicide. There are hundreds of reasons why we are stuck in financial problem. It’s a result from our bad attitude about money, wrong money management or living in debt to pursue a lifestyle of materialism as the rich just to name a few. The only simple and logical answer for this is you don’t have a proper financial planning. Trust me.

attitude about money and the way we handle it serves as an excellent indicator of our level of commitment in financial planning. Money can buy things and experiences that bring temporary pleasure, but it can never buy the peace and contentment that are the by-products of freedom.

Anyone can have financial order in their lives by simply deciding to live a disciplined life in accordance with a
wise budget plan. By following a logical step-by-step plan, minimizing debt, and being cautious of emotional and impulsive spending, anyone can get control of his finances.

Every family needs a written plan (budget) for how they are going to spend their money, especially those who think they don't. It is impossible for you to efficiently manage your finances without a written plan.

We must responsible to provide safety for our family. Planning is a critical part of that process. Although the leader is responsible, it is vitally important that the decisions required to be made in the development of the budget plan be made by those who are going to have a part in making the plan work. We can relate building a tower to living one month; one year; etc.

Without a written plan, the outcome of our months, years, or our entire life is at best, a guess. A Plans must be flexible but visible. That is the rule.

A written financial plan for the family
(budget), allows you to be able to carefully consider and track the “goings” of your money. Without a written plan you become a “responder”; one who reacts rather than controls (Those who fail to plan are planning to fail).

Again remember this, to make sure the plan working;
those who involved in its design should have an active part in its executing.

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