Awareness Before Change & Correlation Between Time And Money
Correlation Between Time and Money
There are generally 4 types of people in the world:
1) No time, and no money.
Most employees fall into the category. You can’t go shopping on a Tuesday afternoon or fire your boss whenever you like. Most employees can’t even save money in their pension to last 3 years!
2) No time, lots of money.
Self-employed, professionals and small business owners are in this category. They are slightly better off than the employee because they earn more, but they have to work even harder than employees to keep up with the diminishing profit margins, competition and servicing their customers.
3) Got time, no money.
A lot of farmers, villagers, college dropouts or bums have lots of time but no money. Maybe ignorance is bliss, but without a stable source of income, how long can you last many days forward?
4) Got time, and lots of money.
It is the category that big business owners, landlords, investors are in. Imagine, not having to work for money, but having money to work for you by investing them and earning profits by using your money to make money.
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